We’re not going to have a Shopsmith Episode #13 because, as you may know, some (particularly those who suffer Triskaidekaphobia) think the number 13 is unlucky. Because of this, I decided it best to avoid writing a blog update #13.
It is not clear exactly when or why the number 13 became unlucky.
An old Norse myth describes 12 benevolent gods at a gathering when a 13th god shows up and attacks the group. I am not sure who won that battle, but you gotta hand it to the 13th god for taking on the other 12 single handedly (well, I assume he had one hand...maybe he had 13).
Another story dates back to Friday the 13th in 1307 when most if not all of the Knights Templars were arrested (although Friday the 13th wasn’t considered unlucky until later in the 19th century).
President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused to host a dinner having 13 guests, and a group in France hire themselves out as the “14th guest” to help dinner hosts avoid that unlucky number.
Many hotels are missing floor #13 (actually the 13th floor exists, they just call it 14). However, in Europe, the first floor is what we in the US call the second floor, so figure that one out.
Most aircraft do not have a row #13 (but some do) and some airports do not have a gate 13.
Some hotels and hospitals don’t have a room #13, and in parts of Italy, houses may be numbered 12, 12 1/2, 14, 15, ...
The number 13 is not even the first prime number...it’s like the sixth one. However, it is the smallest emirp (prime spelled backwards) which stands for a prime number which when the digits are reversed is also a prime number - so that's kind of cool.
To numerologists, the number 12 is considered a "complete" number: 12 months in a calendar year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus (I’m partial to god #6), 12 apostles, 12 donuts in a dozen...adding one more to the number 12 just ain’t fittin (although sometimes you get a baker’s dozen of 13 donuts - which is actually a good thing and makes me rather partial to 13).
So, in summary, it’s best to avoid the number 13 all together, unless you’re ordering donuts.
I apologize that there is no Episode 13 to read. You’ll just have to wait for Episode 14.
I apologize that there is no Episode 13 to read. You’ll just have to wait for Episode 14.
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